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How to Lease Laptops For Business

With the rapid evolution of technology, supply chain shortages, and the rise of remote workers, many businesses opt to lease laptops instead of purchasing them outright. 

This allows companies to remain agile, adapt to the latest tech trends, and manage financial outflows more effectively. However, to ensure maximum value and efficiency, it's crucial to understand the best practices when leasing laptops for business.

This article provides an overview of how to go about leasing laptops for your business.

1. Understand the Need

Before diving into the leasing world, clearly understand why you need to lease. 

  • Is it for a temporary project? 
  • Are you looking to try out the latest technology without the commitment of buying? 
  • Or is it a financial strategy to conserve cash flow? 
  • Do you have remote or temporary workers where purchasing is not a fit?

Understanding the underlying reason allows you to tailor your leasing agreement to best suit your needs.

2. Choose the Right Leasing Partner

Not all leasing companies are created equal. When choosing a partner:

  • Research their reputation: Online reviews, testimonials, and references can provide insights.
  • Understand their terms: Some companies may have hidden fees or inflexible terms.
  • Customer support: Ensure they offer excellent post-lease service and support.
  • Talk to them:  When engaging with the company, do they understand your business and have the expertise to address your specific needs?

3. Know the Types of Leases Available

There are generally two types of leases: a fair market value (FMV) lease and a $1 buyout lease.

  • FMV Lease: At the end of this lease, you can either return the laptop, purchase it at its current fair market value, or renew it. This is ideal for businesses that want to keep updating their tech.
  • $1 Buyout Lease: As the name suggests, you can purchase the laptop at the end of the lease term for just $1. This is suitable for businesses that intend to keep the laptops long-term.

Learn how laptop rentals can provide a flexible, cost saving solution for your  business. Read our guide.

4. Factor in the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

When leasing computers for your business, looking beyond just the monthly leasing fees is crucial. The Total Cost of Ownership encompasses all the direct and indirect costs over the computer's lifecycle in your company. To get a holistic view of your investment:

  • Initial Costs: This includes any upfront fees, setup charges, or down payments required by the leasing company.
  • Monthly Lease Payments: Determine how these payments fit within your budget over the lease term.
  • Maintenance & Repair: Some leasing contracts might cover maintenance, while others don't. Understand the terms and factor in potential repair costs.
  • Software Licensing: Computers often require specific software for business operations. The costs of licenses, updates, and renewals should be included.
  • Training: If the leased computers come with new software or features unfamiliar to your team, training costs might be involved.
  • Downtime Costs: Consider potential operational halts due to maintenance, repairs, or other issues.
  • End-of-Lease Costs: Be aware of any fees related to returning the computer, buying it out, or potential penalties.
  • Upgrade Costs: If your business grows or tech needs change, costs might be associated with upgrading to newer models or more advanced systems.

5. Evaluate Technology Requirements

It's not just about getting any laptop; it's about getting the right laptop.

  • Hardware specs: Depending on the tasks, you might need laptops with higher RAM, storage, or processing capabilities.
  • Software compatibility: Ensure the laptops are compatible with your business's software applications.
  • Security features: These are especially vital if handling sensitive data.

6. Understand the Lease Duration

Lease terms can vary from short-term (12 months) to long-term (48 months or more). Choose a duration that aligns with your business needs. Remember, tech can become obsolete quickly, so shorter lease terms might be more beneficial if you're looking for agility.

Also consider:

  • Short-Term vs. Long-Term: Short-term leases offer greater flexibility to adapt to fast-changing technology but might come with higher monthly payments. In contrast, long-term leases can be more cost-effective over time but might bind you to outdated tech.
  • Business Project Alignment: If leasing computers for a specific project, ensure the lease duration aligns with the project timeline. This prevents unnecessary extensions or early termination fees.
  • Renewal and Termination Clauses: Familiarize yourself with the terms for renewing the lease or early termination. This prepares your business for potential changes in tech needs or financial circumstances.

7. Keep Maintenance in Mind

Even if you're leasing, maintaining the laptops is in your best interest. This can reduce potential fees at the end of the lease term and ensure the laptops function efficiently during use.

Keep in mind:

  • Contractual Obligations: Review your lease agreement to identify who is responsible for maintenance—you or the leasing company. Neglecting these duties could lead to penalties or breach of contract.
  • Regular Check-ups: Proactive maintenance, like regular software updates and hardware check-ups, can prevent major malfunctions, ensuring the computers function efficiently and serve your business needs without hitches.
  • Plan for the Unexpected: Accidents or unexpected issues can arise. Establish a plan, whether an in-house IT team or a partnership with a tech service provider, to address unforeseen problems promptly.

8. Consider Leasing Extras

Many leasing companies offer additional services like:

  • Tech support
  • Training sessions for employees
  • Maintenance packages
  • Upgrades during the lease term

These can be invaluable, especially if you need an in-house IT team.

9. Stay Updated on Lease Terms

Keep a clear record of all lease terms and stay updated. This includes knowing:

  • The end date of the lease
  • Renewal options
  • Maintenance responsibilities
  • Buyout options and costs
  • Return conditions

10. Plan for the End of the Lease

Before your lease ends, decide on the next steps. Will you:

  • Renew the lease?
  • Return the laptops?
  • Buy out the laptops?

If returning, ensure the laptops meet the return conditions set out in the lease agreement to avoid additional fees.

11. Consider Insurance

Like owning, leased computers are susceptible to damages, theft, or other unforeseen challenges. This is where the significance of insurance comes into the picture, acting as a safety net for businesses.


  • Protection Against Financial Setbacks: Insuring leased computers safeguards against potential financial losses due to unexpected damages, theft, or accidents. It's a small investment that can prevent significant out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Leasing Company Requirements: Some leasing companies mandate insurance coverage for the leased equipment. Always review the lease agreement to ensure you comply with stipulations.
  • Range of Coverage: When choosing insurance, assess its coverage scope. Does it cover only physical damage, or does it also include data breaches and cybersecurity threats? Tailor your insurance to the specific risks your business might face.

12. Re-evaluate Regularly

Regular re-evaluation of leased computers ensures that businesses are aware of outdated technology and are not paying for more than they need. Every business grows, pivots, and faces new challenges, and its technological arsenal should mirror those changes. 

By periodically reviewing leased computers' performance, utility, and cost-effectiveness, businesses can make timely decisions about renewals, upgrades, or switches, ensuring that their IT infrastructure remains current and cost-effective. This proactive approach fosters operational efficiency and guarantees that financial resources are judiciously utilized.

Related Content: Business Computer Leasing vs. Purchasing Outright


Leasing laptops allows businesses to stay technologically relevant and manage finances effectively. However, like any business decision, it has its complexities. By following these best practices, you can ensure you derive maximum value from your lease, keeping your operations smooth and your tech up-to-date. Remember, the key is not just in choosing the right laptop but also in partnering with the right leasing company. With the right decisions, leasing can become a strategic tool in your business arsenal.

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